Sunday, May 10, 2009

Broken Soul.

Broken Soul

Cup your hands around my ear,
And whisper those lines once again.
Make me fall for your every word.

Tell me you'll love me forever.
Tell me what I was worth.

Make me believe in you and everything about you,
The way I did before.
Before you decided I wasn't enough,
Before you didn't care anymore.

And I don't mind this heartache,
This dull throb in my chest.
And I don't mind this heartbreak,
This roaring pain, I'll suppress.
It's this broken soul I can't take,
This loss of myself; who I am.
This lack of reason for living,
This broken and tattered man.

I'm screaming for a reason,
A purpose, a direction, a path.
A dream worth fighting for,
Something ... anything,
That will last.

You tore apart my dreams, my hopes,
Everything I thought to be true.
And I am a fragment of who I use to be,
Because I believed in you.

I hope you'll always feel guilty,
And I hope you'll regret what you missed,
Because at least you'll be living;
I don't live, I exist.