Saturday, February 21, 2009

You Paid Me Well in Memories . . .

I wrote you a letter today.
I'm trying to forgive you again so I poured out my heart one last time.
Your response was "I don't care, I don't want to care, caring only makes things worse."
I wasn't surprised. It's the same response you gave me long ago.
Sometimes I'm amazed at your selfishness.
How much you want things to be about you.
I remember when we broke up you weren't worried about me.
You were never worried about me.
"You have your friends, who do I have?"
I. I. I. Never anyone else.
You were worried what people would think of you.
What they would say about you.
You took yourself away from the situation thinking if you could ignore it, it would sort itself out.
You came back to school acting fine. Like if the world was revolving fine.
But mine had stopped spinning.
Jade said to me, "You looked so sad on the first day of school" or something along those lines.
How do I look now?

I hope at some point you'll stop crying and feeling sorry for yourself.
I hope at some point I do too.

Need to move on, need to move on, need to move on.

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